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Superman Returns Today! 28 June 2006

Posted by Sasha in Films, Puzzle & Game, The Rambler.

1I know this is soooo last minute but I thought I’d let you know that I’m giving away two tickets for tonight’s showing of the movie, Superman Returns!

Well, alright there’s a catch. It’s just an easy task, though!

If you know all 4 b5media blogs I write in, go visit them and leave a comment [will be used as criteria, so relevance please!] on all blogs and send me an email to my b5media address after. First one that checks out will immediately hear from me.

So, if you’re in Manila and would like to see the movie, just get the task done and I’ll schedule the meet up [yea, you get to meet me, too! Isn’t it great? Hahaha].

Movie starts at 8pm, so deadline of submissions will be at 3pm.

Sunday at the Town 27 June 2006

Posted by Sasha in Current Events, Family & Friends, The Rambler.

Sunday at Alabang Town Center, I had a late lunch at Italianni’s with my highschool friends. It was actually a feat that the rest of us who are still here in Manila are present.

It was just last Friday that I decided to schedule this meetup. It was a first since it’s always been Mel who does the inviting. But this time since she and her husband might be leaving for the US next week, I decided to take over.

A quick shout out to the very preggy, Mel and her husband Jon, our unanimously elected big sis, Candice, Atty. Ricky Moldez II and his wife, Ai, who happens to be a lawyer, too! The always late, Jo, next is Joanne, our resident accountant, and the “prodigal” friend, Jason. Hehehe. And oh, Ricky’s 3 year-old son, Third, who complained that he had an itchy bum. Teehee.

Actually, Mel already mentioned this meet up on her blog but I thought it’ll be cute to reminisce bits about it that’s so classic!

Care for some unstoppable dalandan juice?

It was Jo’s doing. He actually asked me if the juice [pointing to his glass] was “unstoppable”. I almost choked, I thought, he must be kidding, right? Oh, you have to understand… it’s something you can actually expect from him. I just said, you mean, refillable, right? Laughing. I dared him to order a refill using the description, “unstoppable”. And he did! We tried [but failed miserably] to control our laugh. Good thing the server was a good sport. Hahaha.

“What? You left for Australia again and you didn’t tell me?”

Said Joanne. Apparently she wasn’t informed that I had left the second time. Hahaha. They teased me like crazy on how “last minute” my goodbye was last January. They found out that I was leaving when I sent them an sms informing them that I was already in the airport. Candice called and she couldn’t believe it. I was all defensive about it since on my end, it was unexpected as well! I can’t help it if my booking fell through the last minute, can I?

“Who’s pregnant? What? You’re pregnant?”

Another one from Jo, he clearly had no clue that Mel was almost 6 months pregnant. I had to make room for him to see Mel’s growing tummy. So this brings me to the next one —

“The problem with you two is that perhaps the Group list you use to send messages, must just included both your names! How come the rest aren’t getting any of the messages you claim to have sent?”

That’s Candice teasing Mel and Ricky to having their own “group list”. Hahaha.

After lunch, we walked around a bit and I did a little shopping — I bought my cranberry lip balm and concealer with tea tree oil at The Body Shop — before we had our caffeine dosage at Starbucks and to continue our walk down memory lane.

“I’ve got ESPN!”

Candice gave me a blank stare probably thinking that I’ve gone nuts. I was laughing uncontrollably and I was like, are you there yet? Haven’t you seen Mean Girls? It’s a joke for crying out loud! Hahaha. The others were teasing her and she cussed like crazy when she got it, she kept telling me how she thought I lost my marbles. She said something like, “I almost lost my respect for you, Sash. ESPN when it should’ve just been ESP… I knew you’re better than making quips like that!” Okay, I guess I have to work on my dumb blonde act more. 😉

And yea, I bombarded Joanne with direct questions about the current status of her lovelife, hitting the target, unknowingly — hence, the ESPN quip. It was hilarious!

We spent over 4 hours together and if only each of us didn’t have to make it to other appointments, we’d probably hang out a couple of hours more! I wish Donna and Ethylene were with us. I love these people. 🙂

My Heart Goes Out to Owen! 22 June 2006

Posted by Sasha in Football, The Rambler.

My cousins and dear brother haven’t stopped teasing me about the news that my dear Damien Michael Owen is now out of the World Cup due to the knee injury he sustained in the England vs Sweden match, which ended in a draw by the way. Yea, the Brits still haven’t beaten the Swedes. Heh.

I’m so sad. F#@!%*g twisted knee. Bleh.

Anyway, these nitwits keep saying that Owen’s career’s over. Whaa–? At the young age of 27? No freaking way! A lot do they know. Heh. Well — that is if this injury isn’t as bad as it seems. I just want to cry. Sniff.

It was so sad to see him in the car driving away, probably off to fly back to England for an operation or something. Oh, it was on ESPN by the way so yea, it was just on telly. Sigh.

Solving Sudoku 19 June 2006

Posted by Sasha in Puzzle & Game, The Rambler.

1I keep seeing this puzzle in the newspaper. At first, I had no interest to solve it until last Friday when I was hanging out over at my cousin’s house, a little bored. I picked up the crossword puzzle and worked on it till I finished it [with the help of my cousins hehe]. I got fired up so I went on and tried the puzzle right next to it, which is a Sudoku.

Simple instruction for playing Sudoku,

“Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3×3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.”

The puzzle I was working on had a 4-star difficulty rating but I finished it in under an hour. Cool, eh? I’m a bit surprised myself. I didn’t think I had it in me.

Anyway, you can try it yourself. It’s available online. Have Fun!

Time 15 June 2006

Posted by Sasha in The Rambler.
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A day is over with just sleeping. A week passes like a day. A year is gone in a blink of an eye. Yes. How swiftly time passes — never to return.

As a child, I thought summer is a long time. Now, a couple of decades later, I wake up to a morning with almost half of the year over. Crazy. I can’t seem to have enough time to do the things I want to do.

Makes me wonder if the speed of time is relative to age.

Have you ever felt that you’ve been living a dream? Not because you’re getting everything you’ve always wanted but because you feel like you running towards something that you can’t get to? Reaching out to capture a cloud in your hand?

I feel I’m running out of time.

Taking a deep, deep breath 5 June 2006

Posted by Sasha in Mood Notes, The Brooder.

If I let go of all the anger in me, I’m afraid to face what’s left. Who will I turn out to be? Thoughts like these never cease to plague me, which brings me to conclude that I may just not change.

A dear friend has seen and heard almost everything about me. She has seen the blackest side of me and the vulnerable side, too. I know how much she wishes I’d just drop whatever I’m holding on to so I can continue with the rest of my life but she knows how stubborn I am. I’m resolute to living through mistakes and face the meanest thing that life may bring my way head on. It seems stupid. I know.

Does that make me brave and strong? Admittedly, I think I’m just too scared to face disappointment so I’d rather have the lowest of expectations than the grandest of hopes. Call me stupid. Again.

It’s funny how I snap at the slightest sign of shady behaviour. I guess I’ve grown way too suspicious of people I know, old and new. Like I’m a good judge of character! Duh.

But I do wonder what lies beyond the anger. This moment clearly gives you a taste of the many times I’ve thought about the ‘what-ifs’ and the ‘should-i’ questions. I’m still searching for a hint of the ‘what’s in it for me’ thingie that the surefooted me expects.

I’m thinking of giving it a try, trashing that expectation and just winging it. Will I land on both feet once I do decide to jump? Will I like who I’d become once I find myself there? It’s quite an obvious answer for most but hell, it’s easier if you’re not in my shoes; if you didn’t go through what I went through.

It’s difficult. I don’t know how I can understand, forgive and love someone whom I’ve loathed for a long time. How can I forget all the things that broke my heart and spirit? How can I unlearn the cold, hard truths of filial, platonic, and romantic relationships? How can I accept the role I have to play as I go on living life as a girl learning to be a woman?

I always feel I’m late for this life. My life.

Kiarra’s Plea 3 June 2006

Posted by Sasha in Sophia's Writings.
1 comment so far

1My Lord,

I come to you kneeling in eternity. I bear gifts and symphonies. Let it be a sweet aroma that surrounds your throne. Please turn your eyes and look upon me. Please do not hide your face from me.

I came and experienced you on earth without question. I came to you in wonder and joy. I embraced your entire being and I had become a light to your darkness. I came in a time that required my presence. And I saw and experienced your delight. I had chosen to be found. The gods favored me for out of all the angels in the heavens and the mortals of the earth, they had chosen me for you as you were chosen for me.


Pride & Vanity 1 June 2006

Posted by Sasha in Quotes, The Brooder.

“Pride is a very common failing I believe. By all that I have ever read, I am convinced that it is very common indeed, that human nature is particularly prone to it, and that there are very few of us who do not cherish a feeling of self-complacency on the score of some quality or other, real or imaginary.

Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonimously. A person may be proud without being vain.

Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.”

Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice